
【国際コース】 「CLIL」授業 ~英語で心理学を学ぶ~ 


– 自分とは異なる経験や考えを持つ人に会うと、不快に感じる人がいるのはなぜか。

– 暴力的な行為をする人がいる一方で、暴力的な行為をせずに一生を終える人もいるのはなぜか。



For 2 hours a week, the highest level students in the International Course are studying introductory univerity psychology in English. This week students were learning about about the different ways that psychologists do research. In small groups the students discussed the best research method to use to answer two important questions in psychology:

– Why do some people feel uncomfortable when they meet a person who has different experiences and ideas from themselves.

– Why do some people commit violent acts while other people can live their entire lives without committing any violent acts

The class is challenging and fun. And it is great to watch the students communicate about these complicated and deep issues in English. Most of the students joined Clark with only beginner level English (EIKEN Grade 4 and below). But now, they are ready to study university level subjects in English!

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