
【国際コース】 「Production」授業 ~プロジェクトを評価するプロセス~

 国際コースの「Production」授業では、生徒たちが地域のコミュニティ・グループと行うプロジェクトを計画し始めました。生徒たちは、苗穂町内会、LGBTQ+ Rainbow Pride団体、外国人大学生団体のいずれかと協力し、計画を進めていきます。



In the International Course Production class, students have started to plan a project that they will do with a local community group. The students have decided if their group will work with the Naebo Neighborhood Association, the LGBTQ+ Rainbow Prode organization, or the Foreign university students organization.

Students brainstormed (in English) ideas for different projects that they can implement which will help and support one of the communities. After students completed brainstorming idea, they had to decide which of their ideas was the best one to actually do. But how can you judge if one project idea is better than another project idea? During this lesson, our students learned the process of evaluating a project idea for three different criterion: how long the project will take, the special skills a project requires to complete successfully, and the number of people the project will impact.

After a lot of discussion (in English), each group was able to identify the project which they felt they could successfully complete based on the amount of time it would take, the skills they have, and the amount of impact it would have. It was an excellent class, and it is exciting to be ready to take the next step of moving the projects forward!

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