
【国際コース】 母国語でのフォローも ~新しい勉強のテクニックを身につける~


In the International Course, students are given time to try out many new techniques for studying English. Many of these techniques are totally new to the students. For example, students learn how to do effective dictation practice, reverse translation, and even pronunciation mapping of sentences. All of these skills take time and support to develop. And because this process of practice often results in students having personal questions about the process, we make sure to have time for the students to work with a Japanese teacher of English so that they can have their questions answered quickly. Of course, it is important to use and practice English as much as possible, but is also very important to be able to clearly understand the best way to study and to be able to ask questions in your first language. In the International Course, we make sure students can do both every single day in their classes!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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