【インターナショナルコース】英語エッセイ コンテスト2024
クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。今回は、クラーク国際「 英語エッセイ コンテスト 2024」に向けたPeter先生によるライティングの授業をご紹介します。
Clark Essay Writing Contest テーマ「自分にとって重要な体験」

Today, we needed to take a break from our PBL (Project-based Learning) assignments and start working on our essays for the Clark Essay Writing Contest. The students in Level 2 believed that they were not good enough to write for such a competition, but I convinced them otherwise. Through slow, easy to understand, and clear coaching, we came to a place where students were writing freely and confidently.
Really impressed with the content that the students have produced
For example, one student wrote about their experience at Disney in the US. Another student talked about their new found love for soccer. While one other, talked about learning English at School and in the International Course.

Writing is a challenge
Writing is a challenge. It can take a long time to get to a place where you are satisfied with what you have produced. But through effort and determination, all things are possible. And, writing is no exception. I can’t wait to read their final submissions. I am really proud of what they have done.
I would love to see you in my writing class. Please come and join us here at Clark.