

クラーク国際東京キャンパスの文化祭である【Ambi祭】が10/28, 29に行われました。たくさんの保護者と中学生が来場くださいました!今年度は個性×新しい発見をテーマに、各コース趣向を凝らした出展を行いました。今回は、イギリス出身のルイス先生によるAmbi祭レポートをお届けします。


Two exhibits!

The International course students worked hard to prepare for this year’s Ambi-sai. The international course had two rooms. An airplane experience and an escape game.

Halloween-themed escape game🎃🦇

For the escape room experience, guests were treated to a Halloween themed series of activities which had to be solved before they could escape.

The group split into six teams. One team was in charge of decorating the room. They made scary hand prints and ghosts for the walls, while the windows were made to look like spooky castles….!

Five different stages

The other five teams were in charge of making the quizes and puzzles that guests had to solve to escape. One team created a game in which guests were given a map and asked to place the countries in the correct locations.

Another team gave guests a series of letters and gave them one minute to make a word, which was of course ‘international’. Each team was given a lot of agency to think, design and run their own game.

Great escape!

It was great to see every student taking responsibility for their own part of the event. The guests had a great time and were given some candy before leaving!

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