
【2学年】文理選択授業:Project Based Learning – Comic Book Complete!

クラーク国際東京キャンパスでは、2, 3年生を対象に、毎週水曜日午前中に文理選択授業を実施しています。希望する進路に応じて、国語、数学、理科、社会、英語に関する全12種類から自分の取り組みたい講座を選択します

そのうち英語は5種類あります。今回は、美術の先生でもあるアダム先生による英語の 「プロジェクト・ベースト・ラーニング」の今年度最後の授業の様子をお伝えします!


Wrapping up our special and unique PBL (Project Based Learning)

The students have completed their own original comic book. They made a number of English presentations, worked together to create characters, write a story, pencil, ink, colour, and letter their own comic book, in English.


Creative process is liberating

Starting a project like this is fun, as the creative process is very liberating, however it is a lot of work to actually complete a book. These students worked together as a creative team and achieved their goal.


Students created a fantastic story

They created a fantastic story about Momon, a young man who is loved by his girlfriend Sayaku. They were teleported to New York, year 2224 by Calphig: a special cat that has the unusual ability to teleport and time travel at the same time.


What happens next?

Calphig’s actual owners, a team of pro-wrestlers named Faster and Ramen come after him. They want their beloved pet back and are ready and willing to battle to get her.
What happens next? You will have to read this wild issue to find out.

カルフィグの実際の飼い主であるプロレスラーのチーム、ファスターとラーメンがカルフィグを追ってきました。彼らは最愛のペットを取り戻すため、覚悟を決めて戦いに挑みます。次に何が起こるのでしょう? それを知るには、このワイルドな物語を読むしかありません!

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