
【国際コース】 成果発表会に向けて ~国際コースでは、コミュニティのサポート~





It’s almost time for the yearly course presentations. This year representative students will give a detailed presentation of what they have been doing in their course during this school year.

In the International Course, for 2 hours every Friday, students have been learning about community. They have studied ways to contact community groups and methods for how to build a stronger community. Over these nine months, the students have identified needs within different communities and have created plans for events and activities to build connections with different groups in Sapporo.

Now all of the students are making their PowerPoints, writing scripts, and putting the finishing touches on their presentations. One group will be discussing their plans for working with foreign university students in Sapporo to do volunteer snow shoveling activity. Another group has created a plan for teaching traditional Japanese games to foreign children. And another group is creating an information poster to raise high school students’ awareness of LGBTQ+ issues. We are proud of all the groups and their plans for making the world a better place. It is going to be a very exciting course presentation!


\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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