【インターナショナルコース】体験授業レポート:ルイス先生による ‘Inductive Learning’
クラーク記念国際高等学校東京キャンパスのオープンキャンパスでは、校内見学や在校生のリアルな声を直接聞くことができます。また、好きなことにとことん熱中できる各コースの授業を実際に体験できる、体験授業も実施しています。今日はイギリス出身のルイス先生が、上級者向けの「Reading for Academic Purposes – A cultural example」の体験授業をご紹介します!
In today’s open class we looked at inductive learning. When native speakers learn their first language as children, we have no other language to translate into. So, to learn new words and syntax, we use the context around us to predict the meaning. Inductive learning is an important part of ‘language acquisition’, which is how native speakers learn. This is different from language learning, i.e., grammatical explanations, which is how many people learn their second language. Many linguists believe that language acquisition is the most effective way to learn a language.