【探究学習 成果発表会】Day 1 Social Change English
クラーク国際 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコース の Upper Presentation というクラスをご紹介します。このクラスでは、生徒自身が社会課題を見つけ、 その課題を解決するためのアイディアをチームで協力して年間を通じて探究します。そして、困っている人が笑顔になるような解決策を、英語でのプレゼンテーションで提案します。今日はこの授業を担当するルイス先生が、先日の成果発表会 Day 1での様子をお伝えします。
Overtourism, Isolated Children, Visually Impaired
From April to December, our students have been working on their seminar projects. They chose topics that they cared about with the goal of presenting them to the other students at the school. Each project was the result of many hours of work and many students collected their own original research using questionnaires.

Help people in need

International Course also participated in this year-long project. Our students looked at ways we can change society to help people in need. They then presented their projects in English to the rest of the school.
Quest, research and creative solutions
All the teams did a fantastic job. They covered a wide variety of topics, from blind people’s SOS sign to how we can help lonely children. I was very proud of the research each group didhey came up with some very creative solutions!