




International Course Welcome Picnic – 30 April, 2024

The International Course students and teachers had a welcome picnic at Shonai Ryukuchi Park. It was a great opportunity for the students to get to know each other, and do some activities together with the international course teachers. There was a bit of concern with the weather, but it turned out to be just fine.

Soon after arriving at the park, the students and teachers had lunch while relaxing and catching up with friends. After lunch there was a scavenger hunt that was planned by the teachers. The students were put in groups, and each group was led by two or three grade 3 students. The leaders had to find their group members from the crowd and gather them together. Once all students were in groups, they took turns to introduce themselves while the leaders made notes. This gave the students a chance to learn something new about each other as well as have some interaction.

Next step of the activity involved all groups hunting for a list of items that were listed by the International Course teachers. Such items included a feather, smooth stone, bark of a tree etc. The students loved hunting for these items and bringing them back to the teachers, all wanting to be the winners. Doing such an activity gave students time to bond with each other and make friends.

There was free time after the scavenger hunt. Students and teachers enjoyed playing sports together. They played volleyball, football, badminton, some sat down and enjoyed chatting with friends. It was a lovely day for the International course students and their teachers.








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