
【国際コース】 「Call」授業 ~英語のインプット→アウトプット~ 


 「このビデオは、『なぜ』という質問を自分にする代わりに、『何を』という質問を自分にするべきだと教えてくれました。例えば、テストで低い点数を取った場合、なぜ低い点数だったのかを理解することに多くの時間を費やすのではなく、”次回はもっと良い点数を取るためにはどうしたらいいか “という質問に答えることにほとんどの時間を費やすべきだということです」。


Using apps to study English is a great way to get a lot of input. Watching videos and listening to English news stories can really improve your listening ability. But it is also really important to have chance to take that input and have a chance to share your ideas and thoughts about what you saw and heard.

In the CALL class, students use an app to watch videos, and many students also chose to write a personal reaction to what they watched. Recently one of the students watched a video about how to be more self aware and wrote a short essay about they video. She wrote, “This video taught me that instead of asking myself ‘why’ questions, I should ask myself ‘what questions.’ For example, if I get a low mark on a test, instead of spending a lot of time trying to understand why my test score was low, I should spend most of my time answering the question, ‘What can I do to get a better score next time?'”

It is great to see our students using their English learning apps to make write great essays and have interesting conversations. In the International Course, we make sure that lots of English input always also leads to lots of great chances for English output!

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