
【国際コース】 「Writing」授業 ~書くだけではない授業~




In the International Course, teachers are always looking for useful opportunities for the students to practice their English writing. This year, Clark once again is a holding an English essay writing contest. The theme of the contest ‘An Important Personal Experience.’

Maria Sensei makes sure that students always have plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, write a first and second draft, receive feedback from other students during each class. While the class is a writing class, students actually use multiple English skills in order to produce a well-written English essay.

Thanks to the well designed curriculum, International Course students routinely receive extremely high scores on the writing section of the EIKEN test. But more importantly, students can learn that writing is a process which requires good communication skills and a willingness to rewrite and rethink their original ideas. In this way, writing helps students develop their writing skills, their communication skills, and their ability to see things from many points of view.

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