
【国際コース】「Reading」授業 ~自らの興味、関心に合わせて~


In the International Course reading class, students get to read the books that they want to read. Some students like to read nonfiction, some students only read mystery stories. And a few students love to read books about history. Every student also keeps a reading journal where they keep track of their own reading speed. Most of the students who entered the International Course could read about 30 words per minute at the start of their high school career. But after a few months, many of the first year students are reading 70 words per minute. And the third year students average about 130 words per minute. That means they can read a full page of high level English in less than 3 minutes! But not only can the students read quickly, they also enjoy what they are reading. And that’s the best part of the reading class!

\ 専修学校クラーク高等学院 札幌大通校の最新情報 /

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