
【インターナショナルコース】Peter先生による Essay Writing の授業

クラーク国際東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースでは、Fly to the WORLD ~ 飛べ!世界へ! をコンセプトに
 1. グローバル社会で活躍するために不可欠な高度な英語運用能力
 2. 多言語多文化化する日本と世界で、人々の共生に寄与できる力
 3. 地球的課題に取り組むことのできる力

今日は通年力を入れているライティングの授業を、Level 4 を担当するピーター先生がご紹介します。


The most important thing in the world to you

Today, students are working on their essay submissions. Generally, I will set a series of questions and allow students to decide which they would like to write about. Today, I asked the students the following:

1. Do you believe in “best” friends? Why or why not?
2. What is the most important thing in the world to you?
3. When you look back on high school someday, what part will you remember fondly?

 1. あなたは「親友」を信じますか? また、そう思う理由は何でしょうか。
 2. あなたにとって世界で一番大切なものは何ですか?
 3. いつか高校時代を振り返ったとき、どの部分を懐かしく思い出すでしょうか?

How can students use their newly learned vocabulary?

The questions that I share with the students are always based on conversations we had in the previous lesson. One of the challenges with writing is encouraging students to try and use vocabulary words they are not used to using. I believe this is very important as it helps the students to build their vocabulary in a fun and interesting way.


Do you enjoy writing? Have you ever written an essay? If you would like to learn, please come and speak with us. I would love to meet you.

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