クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。先日は、クラーク国際オーストラリアキャンパスのある、スプリングフィールドの語学学校「ユニオン・インスティテュート・オブ・ランゲージ(UIL)」から特別ゲストを迎えました。Peter先生がその様子をお伝えします。
A special guest

In class, we had the pleasure of hosting Shay McHardy, who is the Business Operations Manager at Union Institute of Language (UIL). Shay spoke to our students about studying abroad in Queensland, Australia; campus life and homestay. It was such a great opportunity for our students to hear, first hand, what the program is all about.
Living and studying overseas
Shay asked a few of our students, who have experienced life in Australia and UIL, to speak about their time while living and studying overseas. The experiences those students had are such a valuable resource and wealth of information for those who are considering this journey for themselves.

Japanese food in Australia?
One of the main concerns that students have about living outside of Japan is food. Questions came up, such as, “can I eat Japanese food in Australia? Does Australia have miso soup?” And, “can I eat ramen in Australia?” Let me assure you, Australia is now such a diverse country that you can buy anything you need to help you get through any feelings of missing home cooked meals in Japan. Our major supermarkets stock foods from all over the world.

日本以外の国での生活について、生徒たちが心配することのひとつに食事があります。オーストラリアで日本食は食べられるのか? オーストラリアに味噌汁はありますか? また、オーストラリアでラーメンは食べられますか? という質問もありました。オーストラリアはとても多様性に富んだ国ですので、日本の家庭料理が恋しくなっても、必要なものは何でも手に入ります。主要なスーパーマーケットには、世界中の食材が揃っています。
Fun study abroad experience

If you are looking for a school that offers a complete and fun study abroad experience, I invite you to come and speak with us anytime. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Have a fantastic day!