クラーク国際 東京キャンパスのインターナショナルコースは、英語力、ほかの文化を理解する力、世界の課題に取り組む力を育成するコースです。インターナショナルコースでは、今年度からプロジェクト型学習(Project-Based Learning)を取り入れた新しいカリキュラムを開始しました。今回はLewis先生が、レベルを超えた英語コミュニケーション体験をご紹介します。
English questionnaire to find out young people’s future plan

In level 4 of the International Course, our students have been working on their projects for Unit 1. In groups of 4, they made an English questionnaire to find out what other people their own age plan to do in the future. Last week they visited the Japan College of Foreign Languages and interviewed students there.
インターナショナルコースのレベル4では、ユニット1のプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。 4人のグループに分かれ、同年代の人たちが将来何をするつもりなのかを調べるために、英語で独自のアンケートをつくりました。先週は日本外国語専門学校を訪れ、学生たちにインタビューを行いました。
Collecting enough data from more English speaking participants

There was no one better to ask than other Clark students on the International Course! For our last class before summer we invited the level 5 students to come and take the questionnaire made by the level 4 students. Not only was this a very useful way to collect more data, but also a great opportunity for cross-level team work.
Great opportunity for cross-level team work
Although all students know each other on the course, for some it was the first time to have a class together. The atmosphere was very lively and it was rewarding to see students communicating in their second language. The students will now use the summer vacation to collect more data for their final presentation after summer.