【インターナショナルコース】Peter先生による「Test Skills Eiken 3」の授業
クラーク記念国際高等学校 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコース の Test Skills というクラスをご紹介します。このクラスでは、生徒それぞれの目標の実現に向けて、身近な話題から社会的な課題まで、自分独自の意見や見解を持ち、明確に主張したり、伝わりやすく表現したりできる力も身につけています。今日はPeter先生が、英検3級「テストスキルズ」の授業をご紹介します。
Today in class, we focused on reading!
I shared several passages with the students and we embarked on a dictation/translation type lesson. I asked the students to listen to a passage and then write what they remember. It wasn’t a difficult passage but my intention for this activity was for students to recall large amounts of text.
Peer review is interactive and enjoyable
Once students had written as much as possible, they shared their work with their classmates for peer review. This was a highly interactive and enjoyable part of the lesson. It also gave students an opportunity to help each other complete the text. After peer reviewing each others’ work, students were given the chance to translate the text back to English and compare this with the original text that I gave them.
A special guest from Clark Middle School🌟

We had a special guest in our class from our Clark Middle School at Tokyo and she did an amazing job. I hope that students continue on this journey as I saw so much learning in the classroom. I look forward to you visiting us here and joining in.