
【インターナショナルコース】アダム先生による Presentation Basic の授業

クラーク記念国際高等学校 東京キャンパス インターナショナルコース の Presentation Basicというクラスをご紹介します。このクラスでは、英語で情報を読みとり整理する力、論理的思考力、相手の立場で考える力を身につけます。それらを通して、効果的な構成や真に伝わる表現力を磨きます。また、自信をもって仲間と英語でプレゼンテーションし合うことで多様な見方や考え方にも気づきます


Do’s and Don’ts

Every country has its own unique set of rules and ways of doing things. What is acceptable and considered normal in one culture may be frowned upon or forbidden in another. In our International Course Presentation Basic class, the students made presentations about the do’s and don’ts of other countries, that foreigners should know to be polite.

Surprising customs from around the world


Not only is this an interesting topic but it’s also important information if you wish to travel to another country.


What’s considered to be polite, or impolite

First, the students are put into teams by random selection. Then they select a country, and once a country had been chosen no one else could have that one. They had a limited time to research and create an explanation, and display page.


Learn about other ways of living

Then the teams presented their findings to the class. It was a good exercise for everyone to practice speaking in front of an audience and it was very interesting to learn about other ways of living, and how to conduct yourself in other countries.



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